Strategic Planning
Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Or so said Peter Drucker back in the day. And we don’t disagree with him. There are plenty of beautiful looking strategic plans languishing in desk drawers, on display in Reception areas, maybe even buried on the school website along with the Annual Report or the School Improvement Plan.
That’s why we approach strategic planning for schools a little differently. We know you’re not a Coca-Cola or an Apple. You’re not the scrappy start-up with nothing to lose and no-one to answer to. You have guide rails and road maps and boards and systems and Offices and Directorates and Departments and other bodies with a capital ‘B’ to report, respond, review and react to on a daily basis.
How can we help? By listening. By understanding your context. Knowing a little bit about schools and how they operate in the national education landscape. We talk to you first, we find out where you need to go and what you’d most like to do, if all things were possible. Then we check in with your community and get their input too because, well, Drucker! Finally, we distill all that, do some thinking, and come back to you with some key themes, a few challenges to consider and a framework to develop something authentic for your school.
Here are a few plans we’ve worked on lately.